The Who
"Won't get fooled again"
what song takes you back there?.
here's mine:
The Who
"Won't get fooled again"
the first 3 presidents of the i.b.s.a ./ jehovah`s witnesses / wtb&ts.. w.h.conley ,c.t.russell ,j.f.rutherford .. how many jehovah`s witnesses know that ?
how many ex jehovah`s witnesses knew that ?
the wt society teaches that jesus returned to begin his "invisible presence" in 1914 directing his attention toward the earth as ruling king.
BTW, Which presidents you are talking about ?
The first three presidents of the WT Society:-
the first 3 presidents of the i.b.s.a ./ jehovah`s witnesses / wtb&ts.. w.h.conley ,c.t.russell ,j.f.rutherford .. how many jehovah`s witnesses know that ?
how many ex jehovah`s witnesses knew that ?
the wt society teaches that jesus returned to begin his "invisible presence" in 1914 directing his attention toward the earth as ruling king.
In the year 1914 God placed his anointed King upon his throne and directed him to begin his rule amongst the enemy. (Ps. 2:6; 110:2) Three and one-half years thereafter, to wit, 1918, the Lord came to his temple. At that time he presented himself to his professed people as their King and earth's rightful Governor. At that time Jesus Christ was also a tried and precious Stone. In the great battle fought in heaven between Christ Jesus and the enemy Satan, Christ Jesus was victorious, therefore tried, true and faithful, and the Conqueror. (Rev. 12:7-10) When he presented himself as King, in the complete fulfilment, those who believed and accepted him rejoiced greatly, and to them he is and ever will be "precious".
Prophesy 1929 pp 104-5 - J F Rutherford
the first 3 presidents of the i.b.s.a ./ jehovah`s witnesses / wtb&ts.. w.h.conley ,c.t.russell ,j.f.rutherford .. how many jehovah`s witnesses know that ?
how many ex jehovah`s witnesses knew that ?
the wt society teaches that jesus returned to begin his "invisible presence" in 1914 directing his attention toward the earth as ruling king.
I'm sure that is true in the case of Conley and Russell. Rutherford may have believed that initially but in the 1920/30's changed to the idea that JC became king in 1914.
i have never known the watchtower bible & tract society to use ad or bc, they have always maintained the bce and ce dating system.. i never thought about questioning it either, as it was no big deal.
however, i found one of the afa's latest news quite interesting... (american family association) is there a connection between the article below and the wts use of the bce/ce system?
is this evidence that indicates the wts is drawing attention away from jesus?.
“Awake!” responds: Although A.D. (Anno Domini, meaning “in the year of our Lord”) and B.C. (before Christ) are used in lands where professed Christianity predominates, we have chosen to use the terms C.E. (Common Era) and B.C.E. (Before the Common Era). Why? First, there is considerable evidence pointing to the year 2 B.C.E. as the date of Jesus’ birth. Second, the literature printed by Jehovah’s Witnesses is widely distributed in languages read by many non-Christians. Third, the title “Christ” means “Anointed One.” Jesus became the Messiah, or Christ, when he was anointed with God’s spirit at the time he was baptized in 29 C.E. (Matthew 3:13-17) Thus, Jesus was not born Christ; he became Christ the year of his baptism. Significantly, the descriptions C.E. and B.C.E. are growing in usage, and they appear in almost all modern dictionaries and in many scholarly works. Please be assured that Jehovah’s Witnesses consider Jesus and his sacrifice indispensable to the outworking of God’s purposes and our personal salvation.
g 3/9 p. 30
lloyd evans has just tweeted a video he will be releasing soon on the "change" to the meaning of the sheep and goats and when that is to occur.. i've missed any discussion on that on here or anywhere?
it seems it was part of the 2020 annual meeting the gb had?.
any info on this?.
I too wondered where Cook's talk was going but decided that if it was to be "new light" it would probably have been delivered by David Splane. Speaking of Splane, have we seen him much of late?
even some democrats are advocating for reopening society, and are at least hoping for some point in 2021, but the governing body just announced that they're canceling the assemblies in 2022 as well, aiming to restart in 2023. .
they're really milking this 'pandemic', because as soon as things go back to normal that sense of urgency will start to die again, and publisher counts / meeting attendance will go down as well.
i wonder how many jws are suffering form (additional) depression from this as well, because with meetings, assemblies and conventions at least you could see and meet new people, as well as socialize.
Where was this announcement made? Was it in the AGM Pt 3? I have watched it but maybe dozed off a bit........
amazing insights into wts doctrine and practice from a former bethelite who worked with ray franz on the aid book..
I remember reading of Ed Dunlap in connection with the 'James' book many years ago. However I had never heard him speak and some of his experiences related here in his dealings with the GB were fascinating. Thanks for posting the video.
i recently had the sad opportunity to attend 2 jw funerals.
the first was a few months ago and the second today.
the first was my grandfather's and the second of an old friend back from my jw days.
I have been to many JW funerals over the years, though with my advancing age suspect there will not be many more left for me to attend. As some have said here the talk depends on the speaker and to an extent the congregation elders. Certainly where I live it has to be an elder if the service is held in the KH.
Some years ago I went to the funeral of a very old sister, in her 90's, who had been a JW since the 1940's. Surprisingly the funeral was not held at the KH but at the crematorium. There were two speakers, one of whom was not an elder or even an MS. The other speaker I had never met before. The talk was mostly about the sister, her experiences as a JW and her very interesting life away from the organisation.
At the end of the talk there was a prayer and then her favourite piece of music, Verdi's Nabucco. No Kingdom songs, wonderful!
the watchtower—study edition | march 2021. study article 13. jehovah will protect you—how?.
14 we also have the support of myriads of powerful angels.
think of what just one angel can do!
Stan, Are you being obtuse?